Breathing effortlessly when well
being breathless in wonder
breathing fresh air
drinking ice cold water in sauna-like heat
floating on my back
swimming [like a fish] (I wish)
paddling a kayak
stroking my cat’s fur
hearing and feeling my cat purr
reading a favourite book
tasting the best pistachio and chocolate cake I’ve ever had (in Sorrento)
eating the best cherry ice cream (in Malaga)
eating the best 70%+ chocolate
eating the best fresh cherry tomatoes ever (in Barcelona)
the hot sun polishing my skin and colouring in the world
the heady smell of jasmine
the sound of the surf
the sea spray seasoning my lips
caressing a lover
a hot shower at night
the genuine smile of a friend or relative
falling asleep when tired
feeling good about myself
feeling proud of loved ones
liking myself
anticipating who and what I love; friends/relatives/meals/parties/holidays
being slightly tipsy
laughing so much I am gasping and my stomach muscles ache
watching: a play, a musical, the ballet, street, jazz or contemporary dance
singing a favourite song
singing in a choir
being at a live gig
feeling the bass notes reverberate through my body
dancing freely as the music flows through my veins taking over my body and soul
being in love
being loved,
in return
feeling like I belong:
to a group
of friends
of relatives
in the world
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